Sunday, August 16th
Jesus is the True Vine
Big Idea: Jesus is the vine, so we can grow by staying connected to Him.
Bible Basis: John 15:1-17
Memory Verse: “I am the vine. You are the branches. If you remain joined to me, and I to you, you will bear a lot of fruit.†John 15:5 (NIrV)
It’s time for family worship online! This week we’re learning that Jesus is the True Vine. Watch this video with your kids and be ready for some great conversation.
Big Idea: Jesus is the vine, so we can grow by staying connected to Him.
Bible Basis: John 15:1-17
Memory Verse: “I am the vine. You are the branches. If you remain joined to me, and I to you, you will bear a lot of fruit.†John 15:5 (NIrV)
It’s time for family worship online! This week we’re learning that Jesus is the True Vine. Watch this video with your kids and be ready for some great conversation.
Sunday, August 9th
God's Story in Our Lives
Big Idea: God’s story of love and redemption continues today in the lives of His children.
Bible Basis: 1 John 3:1-3
Memory Verse: “Some people did accept him and did believe in his name. He gave them the right to become children of God.†John 1:12 (NIrV)
It’s time for family worship online! Watch this video with your kids and be ready for some great conversation.
Big Idea: God’s story of love and redemption continues today in the lives of His children.
Bible Basis: 1 John 3:1-3
Memory Verse: “Some people did accept him and did believe in his name. He gave them the right to become children of God.†John 1:12 (NIrV)
It’s time for family worship online! Watch this video with your kids and be ready for some great conversation.
Sunday, August 2nd
Paul is Arrested
Big Idea: The good news of Jesus sets us free from sin, so we can tell our story to others.
Bible Basis: Acts 21-28
Memory Verse: “Let those who have been set free by the Lord tell their story. He set them free from the power of the enemy.†Psalm 107:2 (NIrV)
It’s time for family worship online! Watch this video with your kids and be ready for some great conversation.
Big Idea: The good news of Jesus sets us free from sin, so we can tell our story to others.
Bible Basis: Acts 21-28
Memory Verse: “Let those who have been set free by the Lord tell their story. He set them free from the power of the enemy.†Psalm 107:2 (NIrV)
It’s time for family worship online! Watch this video with your kids and be ready for some great conversation.