Our Pastor

Mike's Family:
Matthew, Cassie, Mike, Carrington, & Zechariah

Mike and his wife Cassie moved to Wenatchee in 2015 from Southern California. Pastor Mike has a bachelor's of science in Organizational Leadership from Azusa Pacific University and a Master of Theology from South Eastern University. Pastor Cassie holds an undergraduate degree as well a Master's degree in business from the University of La Verne. Mike and Cassie have served the church in a variety of different capacities. Mike and Cassie have a passion to see God move and for the church to be who she's called to be! Mike and Cassie are leaders that love the church! As a pastor, Mike routinely equips people with content and experiences that transform thinking, provoke action, and cultivate community!

Mike Wilson

Lead Pastor

Cassie Wilson

Executive Pastor


Geoff Smith

Executive Pastor

Brittney Davis

Discipleship Pastor

Troy Smith

Expand Pastor

Marie Carlson

Experience Pastor

Kodey Seigfreid

Youth Pastor

Shawn Arington

Pastor of Recovery

Caleb Perez

Encounter Pastor

Kraig Low

Pastor in Residency


Jill Thayer

Café Director & Serve Coordinator

Miles Brandt

Creative Director

Aaron Lane

Production Director

Aaron Davis

Facilities Director

Heidi Lowen

Kids Director

Carrie McFann

School Director

Sandee Didtel

Finance Director


Terri Hibbett

Kitchen Coordinator

Nichole Garcia

Guest Experience Coordinator

Seth Veteto

Production Coordinator

Becky Aguilar

Groups Coordinator

Carmella Slife

Creative Coordinator

Jessica Guzman

Prayer & Worship Coordinator

Lucas Duncan

Middle School Coordinator

support Staff

Nowell DiCarlo

Executive Admin

Sheralinn Lawson

Executive Admin

Megan Box

SHKids Admin

Megan Wiser

Ministry Admin

Renee Merrill

SHKids Admin

Kayla Drummond

SHKids Volunteer Admin

Adam Noyes


Karl Jones


Isai Claros


Owen Miller

Production Assistant