The Mission
At Sage Hills Church we RISK our comfort to REACH our community to RELEASE freedom in Christ.
Our Values
Relational Community: Promoting Biblical relationships
Intergenerational Life: Promoting generational connections
Supernatural Movement: Promoting the Spirit's unexplainable and uncontainable work
Kingdom Impact: Promoting and unleashing the Jesus life upon the world
You Matter: You matter to Jesus and you matter to us
Intergenerational Life: Promoting generational connections
Supernatural Movement: Promoting the Spirit's unexplainable and uncontainable work
Kingdom Impact: Promoting and unleashing the Jesus life upon the world
You Matter: You matter to Jesus and you matter to us
Discipleship Path
We believe the job of the church is to make disciples. Discipleship is a journey that teaches us what matters to Jesus matters to me.
Encounter Love: We encounter love in worship
Experience Love: Go past the place of just showing up on Sunday morning and experience community in groups
Expand Love: The world needs to hear your declaration - Here I am Lord send me!
Encounter Love: We encounter love in worship
Experience Love: Go past the place of just showing up on Sunday morning and experience community in groups
Expand Love: The world needs to hear your declaration - Here I am Lord send me!