This January we are hosting a variety of groups that we hope you can join us in. For more information and to register, check below!

Do you believe God has uniquely created you with a purpose and plan? What if you heard God speak and you felt the love of Jesus in a profound way? Imagine yourself in a community of people who cared for you, listened to you and supported you. What if you stepped into the Rooted journey and experienced personal transformation? Rooted is a catalyst for life change where discussion is held in a small group environment, creating a safe space for biblical exploration and practical learning experiences.

It may be hard for you to feel optimistic about the future right now. If you’ve lost a spouse, child, family member, or friend, you’ve probably found there are not many people who understand the deep hurt you feel. This can be a confusing time when you feel isolated and have many questions about things you’ve never faced before. GriefShare groups meet weekly to help you face these challenges and move toward rebuilding your life.

A ten-week journey that will help fan into flame the gifts of the Holy Spirit through Biblical teaching and opportunities to exercise the spiritual gifts in a safe environment. You will grow in your sensitivity and confidence in discerning the voice of the Lord and be equipped through brief teachings and practical exercises in order that your gifts be used to more effectively serve others to the glory of God. Each meeting will include Biblical teaching and an activation exercise in the context of a relational community.

What if we told you, your marriage problems began before you got married?
Learn your Love Style to understand how your childhood experiences inform what you expect from relationships, how you receive and express love, and how you respond to others in stressful interactions. Knowing your Love Style gives you a starting point from which you can grow to become a Secure Connector.
Learn your Love Style to understand how your childhood experiences inform what you expect from relationships, how you receive and express love, and how you respond to others in stressful interactions. Knowing your Love Style gives you a starting point from which you can grow to become a Secure Connector.