All Church Fast
Sunday, January 5th - Sunday, January 12th
Fasting is giving up something good for something GREAT. When we fast, we refrain from food to engage intentionally with the Lord. We turn to the Lord by
spending time in His Presence through the reading of the Word, worship and prayer. In addition,
God encourages us in Isaiah 58:6-7 to repent and turn from what’s wrong to do what’s right in
His eyes. In response, God showers us with the promises listed thereafter in verses 8-12.
If you’re looking for a breakthrough in your personal walk with the Lord, breakthrough for your
family, breakthrough in a specific area of your personal life, if you are needing direction from
God, or simply want to encounter the Lord in a new way, fasting is a powerful tool God gives us
to do just that.
Sage Hills Church is a Church that Prays, and our prayer is that we start 2025 off in surrender to the leading of the Holy Spirit and kicking off with rhythms of personal devotion. We pray that a fresh hunger would come upon our Church to seek His face and will, and that we would look at 2025 as He sees it. We pray for fresh encounters with the Lord for ourselves and for those we love, for inexplicable salvations, and for people to know Jesus like never before!
How you can join in?
Select one or two days or everyday to fast! They could be consecutive or separate days, and
you can fast using any of these types of fasts listed below. When you fast, be intentional with
your time to read your Bible, worship, and/or pray, and spend time with loved ones!
From Monday to Thursday of our seven-day fast, our Worship Center will be open from 8 AM- 9
AM for us to gather for Worship and Prayer.
To end our fast, we will join for our first Encounter Night of the year on Sunday, January 12th, at 6 PM, with our friend and missionary, Pastor Benny Yu!
More Information:
Sage Hills Church is a Church that Prays, and our prayer is that we start 2025 off in surrender to the leading of the Holy Spirit and kicking off with rhythms of personal devotion. We pray that a fresh hunger would come upon our Church to seek His face and will, and that we would look at 2025 as He sees it. We pray for fresh encounters with the Lord for ourselves and for those we love, for inexplicable salvations, and for people to know Jesus like never before!
Biblical Examples of Fasting:
- Judges 20:26-28: The Israelites declare a fast of one day and night to pray and seek God’s direction in defeating their enemies. God grants direction and victory.
- Ezra 8:21-22: Ezra declares a fast praying for God’s blessing and protection over the Israelites’ upcoming journey.
- Esther 4:16: Esther declares a full fast without water or food of three days unto the Lord for the king to have favor upon her request for the Jews.
- Daniel 1: Daniel and his friends fast from all except vegetables and water to go against the culture they were surrounded by. They all found incredible favor before the king and the whole kingdom.
- Jonah 3:5-9: The Ninevites immediately declare a fast upon hearing of God’s impending judgment and God responds with mercy.
- Luke 2:37: Anna shows devotion to God through a lifestyle of worshiping, fasting and praying in expectation of Jesus’ coming.
- Matthew 4:1-11: Jesus is baptized, led into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit, fasts for forty days and nights, then returns “in the power of the Holy Spirit” (Luke 4:14) to begin His ministry!
- Acts 14:23: The apostles join in prayer and fasting for God’s direction in assigning an apostle to a mission.
Types of Fasts - Different ways to fast
Full Fast: Abstaining from food, drinking only water for a predetermined time. Always in accordance with your dietary needs.
Partial Fast: Abstaining from food from sunrise to sunset. Typically having a meal only in the evening. Water allowed.
Daniel Fast: Eating only vegetables and drinking only water. This fast is encouraged as a complement to a full or partial fast, and if you cannot partial/full fast due to dietary or health reasons.
Alternative Fast: If you cannot fast from food due to dietary/health reasons, you could participate in a fast of something that costs you, as well (social media, news, television, alcohol, etc).
Common Physical Symptoms During a Fast:
When you undergo fasting, your body undergoes a detoxification process, getting rid of toxins from your system. This might lead to slight discomfort, like headaches and irritability when withdrawing from caffeine and sugars. Additionally, you may experience hunger pangs as a natural part of the fasting process.
Partial Fast: Abstaining from food from sunrise to sunset. Typically having a meal only in the evening. Water allowed.
Daniel Fast: Eating only vegetables and drinking only water. This fast is encouraged as a complement to a full or partial fast, and if you cannot partial/full fast due to dietary or health reasons.
Alternative Fast: If you cannot fast from food due to dietary/health reasons, you could participate in a fast of something that costs you, as well (social media, news, television, alcohol, etc).
Common Physical Symptoms During a Fast:
When you undergo fasting, your body undergoes a detoxification process, getting rid of toxins from your system. This might lead to slight discomfort, like headaches and irritability when withdrawing from caffeine and sugars. Additionally, you may experience hunger pangs as a natural part of the fasting process.
Why are You Fasting?
Our Prayer For This Season:
Fresh hunger over your people Fresh hunger to seek Your Face, Your Will. We pray for
encounters we can ‘t explain. For salvation. For You to bring in people who said they’d never
come to a Church, for a wave of the baptism of Your Holy Spirit. For revelation like never before.
Lord, prepare us for 2025, prepare us for what You want to do. Prepare us for how You’ll want
us to move and what to do.
Questions about Fasting?
Feel free to reach out via email at:
[email protected]
We will reach out as soon as we can.
Happy Fasting!
Questions about Fasting?
Feel free to reach out via email at:
[email protected]
We will reach out as soon as we can.
Happy Fasting!